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RE: January Week 4 - Part 1

I actually just got back from our local grain feed animal store as they just got in their first batch of Spring chicks and Ameracaunas were in the mix, so I had to get four. One is already super friendly and immediately comes to my tapping finger to eat when I say 'chick chick chick'. When they get older I am going to put one of my two pure bred lavendar cochin bantam roosters with them and see what sort of new breed I could get from them! I love chickens and this time of year when we get new chicks at all the local farm places!


I bet that one is a rooster! Hahaha. My most friendly chicks have turned out to be little boys. Oyyye. Hahah. Can you share some pics of its comb when you can actually see it? I've read (and experienced) that if their pea come has three rows, that they're typically a boy! I'd love to see if it's true for you too! I also found out that most, not all, of the white easter egger chicks are boys. Hahaha.