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RE: Welcome To The Jungle!

in #homesteading6 years ago

Your greenhouse is amazing and I have never grown sweet potatoes! I cannot even tell you why. I just never thought of it.

Chocolate pudding fruit?? Oh, do tell!!! I have never heard of it! I am so behind in the exotics! I like melons because they are always prolific. They just keep coming and coming. You can't give them away fast enough. Sort of like tomatoes and cucumbers when they start ripening!

I loved your garden and you have done amazing!!! As an aside, if you pick that basil from time to time, it will keep growing all season. I don't let mine go to seed until the very end of the season and even then, I may pot it and make it last a little longer. ;

As always, have a great day!



Thanks, @dswigle.

I'm terrible when it comes to keeping basil inside alive... actually, I don't do such a good job keeping plants in general alive inside. Or I forget to water them, or I forget I already watered them and water them 5 times a week, lol

Hahah! Use a calendar! :)