@papa-pepper is a man who is known for thinking outside the box.
When he has problems with something, he tends to come up with unorthodox solutions that solve those problems.
Recently I encountered a problem, the zipper broke on my boot.
In trying to figure out a way to fix my zipper, I thought to myself, "if this was @papa-pepper's boot how would he fix it?"
The light bulb came on and I knew exactly how to fix my boot.
Watch this video to find out how I thought like papa-pepper and fixed my boot.
I hope you enjoyed this video on how to fix a boot zipper in a slightly unorthodox way.
Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix this?
nice, I think the zippers are usually the weakest links on most boots have that them.
Brilliant! Is this the sort of thing you think about on long hauls?
No this is the type of thing I think about what I'm struggling to try to get my boots zipped up. I'm long hauls I think about the Babylonian Corruption of the Hebrew calendar, more tests that can be done to prove the Earth is flat, how awesome it would be to own an ultra4 car, how I wish I could do video editing while driving down the road, and crazy frog.
It would be quite an experience spending a day inside the head of @dwells. I'm thinking of doing a post about calendars, but I feel like I would be opening a can of fast-moving slippery worms with teeth and stingers.
Yes...yes you would! :-)
LOL Now see in my house we call that doing the MacGyver solutions...
To take it further you are handed an item and have to give other uses for it without using it for what it is known for.... ;-)
Hummm...WWPPD(what would @papa-pepper do)? This is a good question to ask!
Here is that link I was mentioning.
For the second problem: Krazy Glue.
I like the lightbulbs in the thinking pictures!
That happened by accident. I was trying to take a "thinking" picture to send to @papa-pepper to request a thinking picture from him and the first time I took it I realized the light was on behind me so then I retook it a couple more time so I was looking up at the light. Of course he followed suit.
That beard though! And no gray hairs?
Gray hairs? How old do you think I am? The Beard needs a little trimming, I think it's getting kind of thick on the sides.
Well I’m guessing you’re older than my husband and he has gray hairs in his beard already. He says they are from me.
Yeah, you might want to give it some shape.
I am 36. I have a beard of Many Colors, it's black brown red and there is the occasional white hair but I actually think they're blond. Lol.
ahaha! this was too funny sir dwells, the photos are all perfect especially the papa-pepper thinking in the woods with that divine light shining down on his head! lol. great job, very creative and fun!
Thank you!
When you took that boot off, I expected a comment.... care to guess which one?
Nope, and not this one either....

I'll give you a clue.... 6:48
Ohh that would have been great if I had thought of that.
LOL - First thing that popped into my mind.