These are a few of the random thoughts that go through my head when I am chopping, splitting and stacking wood.
I live off grid, working to complete sustainability for myself and my daughter. I have been living like this for 5 years now.
I have had many people tell me that I can never be 100% off the grid. I will need phones, tools, appliances, batteries, propane, gas, etc.
I think that it can be achieved, but there has to be a huge change in how we live, and with what we consume. I am working on it! I have been saying lately, "The more we have, the more we have to maintain, and spend time, money and energy on, we are slaves to our things"
When I was first planning on going off grid, it included at $6,000 solar system, so that I could live much easier. More convenient. I would have refrigeration! This goal, would take me an extra 2 years to save for, or go into debt to go off grid. After much thought and research, I decided to just go without. Most people thought I was nuts. In an instant gratification society, they could not wrap their head around why I would possibly want to live without.
Even after 5 years, people still treat me like I am poor. Finding lack in the way that we live. I have been given so many TVs. People cannot fathom that we have life without a TV. Without satellite, without refrigeration,without plumbing, without a well. People have even gone as far as to call CPS.
We are thriving. It is alot of hard work. The rewards are far greater than we could have ever imagined.
I have to admit that it was difficult at first. Letting go of the refrigeration. I have coolers with ice, working on a system to keep ice until the fall. Luckily, for the summer, I have been able preserve our meat, milk, ghee. All the things that we use. In the winter we eat easier, we have the worlds biggest freezer!! In the spring, I preserve all that we don't eat in the winter, so we can enjoy it all summer! We now use the seasons to our advantage. The energy of what we consume is in rhythm with the seasons. Summer we tend to eat lighter. Who wants to spend the day cooking over a hot stove in the heat!?
We don't have the option of a drive thru for the lazy days of summer. To be honest, we don't even miss it. Addictions come in all venues. This is just one example of living simple. Being very aware of the energy of what we consume.
When we are in the systems of the throw away society, instant gratification mode of buying, do we know the energy that is in each product?
It is a quagmire of consumer commercialism.
For example. When I am chopping wood, to heat my home, to make my syrup, to heat the greenhouse, I chop and split the wood. My energy, my intent is in the good energy I am using. It is very meditative. its beautiful.
Take hydro, all the destruction, all the violence to pull the resource from Mother earth.
Then look at the business aspect of making money off the people for the violent resource. Its not a warm fuzzy feeling. Then look at how WE deal with having to pay a bill, another item that keeps us a slave into the very system that we resent. How to get the hamster out of the wheel?
Take a look at our food. Do we even know were it comes from? Is it even grown in nutrient rich soil? Is it picked weeks before it is ripe, from under artificial light to get to us from its long journey from another continent. Was it grown with love and respect? Harvested with love and respect? Processed with love and respect?
Plastics, packaging, toxic chemicals, phones, hand sanitizers, palm oils, toys, computers the list can go on for days. What is the energy of the things we consume?
I know that I still have a long way to go. I embrace the journey. It excites me that one day I will be able to break free and be the energy of what I consume. Living peacefully, lovingly, respectfully with all beings.
My mother speaks of such projects using the wall paper allagory of a strip at a time . My feeling is that you are the one on the right path achieving your goals a strip at a time . 😎
That's a great analogy! Strips and layers. All about the journey!
I am lusting after your wood pile. : ) I have used a gas powered wood slitter. I am not strong enough to split it by hand. I may yet figure out a way to do that. In the summer I love sitting on the earth and picking strawberry's,I put more in my mouth than in the collection basket.
I had a chance to use a wood splitter for an afternoon. It was a nice break. Made a very quick job of things. But i really like splitting in the cold. For me it was finding the right weight. I like 4-6 pounds. I use the heavier on the pine. I was so out of shape my first year. I am still soft, but so much healthier!!
I think we have the same berry picking techniques!!
You're on a good path @earthmother. And, an inspiration to ppl like me planning to make a move off grid in the future. 🙏🌳🍎🌱
Look forward to the day you take that leap off grid!!Thank you @yogajill! You inspire me! Coming through all that you have!! Xoxo
Hugs 💜🙏
this is a beautiful post, filled with calm and thoughtful words. i had some similar thoughts yesterday, out in the yard with the sun on my back, with my hands in the soil as i attached wishes and good thoughts to each seed i planted.
The energy of what we consume is in rhythm with the seasons - i love this, too! and i for sure know i feel better when i try to work with what's going on, outside of me, versus working against it. fresh blueberries from chile in january? no thank you!
Is so move to hear others are feeling the ebb and flow.
We are eating our preserved peaches, greenbeans, strawberries, peas. Etc.
I remember when bananas and oranges were a treat.
So grateful to be able to live connected to mother earth!
Thank you for stopping by, my heart is smiling!
Just the work put in towards growing my own food gives me higher respect in what is given to me, and the difference in the food is there. My son has not eaten a single tomato from the grocery store. Not since he has had tomatoes from our greenhouse. He even told me he doesn't want the store bought ones. Feed what we truly need and be free of what we don't... I agree with you. xxx
It's amazing how our kids know! Looking forward to great gardens this summer!!