Our Homestead (In photos)

in #homesteading7 years ago

A bit about our homestead:

I figured that those following me would like a few pictures of our homestead...Enjoy!

Cloth Diapers hanging on the line...nothing nicer than seeing laundry drying in the breeze!

Our Chicken Tractor with our broiler chickens...we will be butchering them in a couple of weeks.

A view of our mulch, raised bed, square foot veggie and fruit garden

Another view of the veggie garden, I will be doing another planting of lettuce, radishes, carrots and beans later today!

Our chicken coop with our layer hens and the rooster. It's nice having fresh eggs for breakfast!

Our half-grown chicks - these are layer hens who will be laying eggs by the Fall

Aliyah is our resident protector. This pup is a St Bernard and Pyrenees mix.

We use this for everything from shovelling manure to baling hay and hauling logs.

A back view of our home..a modern farmhouse you might say.

This shed is currently half full of empty mason jars which we will use for Canning in the Fall. We can around 1,500-2,000 jars per year.

A sunset rainbow that we captured last week from our deck!


What are your clotheslines attached too? They look really high. I need to raise ours up a few feet.

One end is attached to our house and we have a high deck so I am able to reach the line. The other end is on a high pole like a telephone pole. It keeps the laundry high enough that the dog can't jump up and pull it off the line!

Lovely homestead! The pupper sure is cute!

Thank you!

Love what you're doing!

Thank you so much for the encouragement!

Beautiful land my friend! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for the kind reply! Have an awesome day!

Wow! I love the raw look of you're home! With all those chickens you will have so many eggs... and a shed for mason jars?! Good lord what a dream.

Thanks! Yeah having the mason jar storage is handy so I don't have all these empty jars around the house!

Yes! and when it's time to can, you have easy access to them!

Congratulations to you and your Husband. Your babies are gonna grow up in an environment of hard work, self reliance, and respect for animals and others. Food and shelter are important resources to provide of coarse, but maybe more important are the aforementioned character building resources you are providing. Kids now a days are missing important values(trustworthiness, keeping your word, honour, RESPECT), and its not the fault of the youngins, but a fault in modern society steeling time for parents to grow their precious resource. I'm glad you have found each other, and looking forward to following your journey. CUTE puppy.
Thanks for posting