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RE: Hardships on the Homestead: Working away from the Homestead

First, I think you probably mean "aspiring", but "perspiring" works too! Lol
Also, I believe you are at the point you need to start asking for help. I know it sounds counter to being "DIY", but even the old pioneers out west had barn raisings where people would come help them build their hay barns. It doesnt even have to be a project that big. Maybe just a few people clearing a garden or trimming trees. Fire up the grill and serve hotdogs, lemonade, and cupcakes to keep the cost down. Everyone needs a hand with homesteading from time to time. Your heart is in the right place, make it happen!


I used the word for perspiring as a play on words. It's one of my quirks that I like to do. For instance I will say instead of I I digress I will say I digest. Your words have actually inspired me to possibly create a network here that if people have time they can make Homestead meet-ups at each other's homesteads for projects and whatnot so we can all get this dream accomplished together

Oh ok, i get it lol! And i think a network is a great idea!

There are a few other Arkansas homesteaders I have found on the latest Homesteaders & Preppers list. Maybe the basis for a network in your area? Hope that helps.