The Compost Kids

in #homesteading7 years ago


That's right! The kids are tending the compost pile. I didn't even ask, they just volunteered...
Out of nowhere it's: "Dad, we can fix the compost pile."
I thought to myself, it needs to be done." Well,... OK. Have at it guys!"
They knew just what to do.
No directions needed.
They've been paying attention. The future looks bright!


That's great that they are helping. I think kids naturally want to help with stuff and sure sometimes it is slow or you have to fix what they did but they are learning so much. Too many parents stop them and eventually they don't want to help anymore.

Yes! Growing kids in your garden :)

Exactly! Growing kids in the garden. I think those wise words have also been spoken by @papa-pepper

I originally heard it earlier this year from Jack Spirko. Thought it was a clever and fitting wordplay. :)