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RE: Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit - the localised edition v5 [16 Jul '17]

in #homesteading8 years ago

Everything good gets repealed! Ugh.

I think there are. A lot of homesteaders and farmers but they're still really behind on the times, so they definitely wouldn't have made it to Steemit yet. Even hard to find quality ones on FB!

Wow! Thanks for the links! I found historical docs about my property on the blm one! Been looking for more information!


If we build it, they will come (hopefully).

Good that you found the historical docs about your property.

We haven't had anything like a Homestead Act in the UK. Although our property was created in the 1700's under the Tŷ Unnos 'scheme' where if someone could build a house on common land in one night and have smoke rising from the chimney by morning they would get the freehold of the land :