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RE: Suicidal Chicken...

in #homesteading8 years ago

I have "Chick Boost Probiotics" also has electrolytes in it. Thanks, I have done a ridiculous amoutn of research and have talked to many people who raise chickens both for fun and for a living. It's kind of what I do. Hahah. Research the shit out of stuff until I feel comfortable. Which takes a lot of research.

I wish I COULD have probiotics, but, they give me vertigo. Awful vertigo. Like fall out of chair. Hahah.


Oh no! Better be careful then! That's horrible, I'm sorry. Does this happen even if you just eat a yogurt? Those tend to be the weakest, most benign probiotics (okay, not true, cheese and sour-dough bread, or beer are all probiotics in a way, just not as rich as kombucha).
As for research, that's the best way to go. :-) Better safe than sorry, and if you do something might as well do it 100%.

Nah, thank goodness not with any of those things. But I was trying out supplements for my tum, it took me a couple weeks to figure out what was going on! Hahah I def. need to eat more of those things you mention tho. Haha