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RE: Finally Got Peg Board For My Off Grid Wood Shop

in #homesteading7 years ago

so basically 20SBD is = to $760USD so baiscally i got troy to waste/spend his very needed income meant for his bills, on me instead lol... how nice of a x-mas and birthday present that was for me :) guess he must be pretty upset to waste so much of that so called hard earned income he made lol! just to counter the truth that is revealed about him haha!


Troy will be milking his donation teats with PM to tell them how badly he needs their money so he can battle the evil trolls who spread truth about him.

Trog chose to waste his families income for comment 'graying power' to hide the truths written about his LYING DECEPTIVE SCAMMING FRAUD lifestyle. Playing poor to scam the elderly is Trog's way of life cause he certainly is too lazy to work for his income.

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