`Caunas seem to be the ones to be most personable, have most attitude, or be most flighty. I've run the spectrum over the years. My current couple of Americaunas are happy to stay out of view and keep to themselves.
`Caunas seem to be the ones to be most personable, have most attitude, or be most flighty. I've run the spectrum over the years. My current couple of Americaunas are happy to stay out of view and keep to themselves.
Easter Eggers are a toss up on behavior and personality because they're such a mixed breed. Kind of crazy. My other three are pretty flighty, they don't much care for attention, so I don't bother them. Haha. One of them is a rooster! He's kind of a dick.
I had one cauna that was an attention whore. she loved to futz around in the grass while I did chores. I think a coon got her a few years back. I've had fights with some roosters.... from the time I was a child through just last year, occasionally one needs a quick smack to get them to pay attention or settle down.