Ooohhh nice. That is amazing! So check this out. If what God said in Genesis is disregarded because of the fall, the the Law of Moses comes to show the need for salvation (cant see sin without knowing it is sin) and then Jesus comes to ultimately pay for our sins through His sacrifice.....we could say that because Gods plan was deviated (gen. 7) we are living a modified existance (LOM) and later Jesus gave the nod through an explanation of clean. So...if the words of Jesus that were is quotations are being questioned, as part of the bible, then if we were to question the legitimacy of Gods word particular Jesus's word.. then we could agree that the entire bible could be called into queation on originallity and being God breathed 🙃
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All fair points. The Mark seven thing takes a lot of study. Any Bible over 100 years old does not have the quotes part in. For me it all goes back that’s my God is unchanging. I do not fully understand the Garden if Eden and what they were eating and why but I do know that My God have us instructions in His Law and then sent His Son as the Word made flesh to show us His ways and for Salvation. I do not think what we eat is a salvation issue but just like you are a Vegan because of health conscious reasons. I believe our Creator gave us eating instructions in His Word that will bless us if we follow. Love the conversation. What it boils down to is each of us have a choice of what we eat. I respect that you are vegan and have zero issue with it at all.
Nice. Yeah, I always look for the deeper idea. I don't think food is the focus. Maybe, it is more about Gods intention and Gods will. If we each are living in obediance according to what we feel the Holy Spirit is guiding us to, that would look like individual revelation. Meaning that God is moving us where we are outworking His will in our lives. That idea of individual revelation is a deep one. If we feel called to something...there is only the thing that may be biblical, but not necessarily the calling because we can't show someone else the thoughts that God gives us we can only show the direction and lead by example.