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RE: Alaskan Homestead Update 28 July 2018

in #homesteading7 years ago

Chickens are total jerks. They steal and poop where they please, and squak at me for scraps - and they get them, those spoiled, lovable jerks.

I respect that van loading you did. A van should be loaded down like that once a week.

My boy is interested in fishing and I know zilch. He would love to be at that lake too. I'm terrified we are going to catch a turtle or a shark and I'm going to have to get it off the hook :D


I haven’t been able to load my van down like this with the kids, EVER! They are now big enough to sit in the front seat, so I can fold the back seat.

I could see how a shark could be problematic. We have sharks here to, salmon sharks.
Our one of those alligator snapping turtles 🙅‍♀️
I would start him off small, carps or trout. Something easy with less bite power. LOL