Building House #15 - Concrete mess & Insulation & Winter is coming.

in #homesteading3 months ago


Slowly cleaning it all up for the winter stop, in Poland it can get ´up´ to minus 20 almost yearly.
The exhaustion of the season is following me around i rested for 2 weeks but after 2 workdays outside im fully broken again. The last bits are always the heaviest!


Fun to look it how things work out 🎅👌🎄☃️.... I wate new video soon . ⭐⭐👌🎅☕

Minus 20 would be too much for us to tolerate even. The foundation looks nice, and you seem to have all the utilities to do all these yourself. And not to mention, the recording style is unique and impressive.


I want to see the end of your work . And I believe you will leave this task accomplished.


That was an inspiring watch! It's wonderful to see your dream coming to fruition!

Nice one man! Keep them hot drinks coming!

minus 20 is too much. As far as I know, winters are not good for construction, especially if you are working on structure and foundation. I could be wrong, anyway, in our place, the minimum temperature in winter is only 1 degree and we shiver even in that. :P


I feel you, working in a cold weather is awful. in the other hand the walls are still standing strong and the insulation is looking great! Always fun to see you post something, keep grinding, so exited to see the house finally done some day!

Minus 20 is too much. And if my minus does not come, I start shivering in winter.Your thinking is correct. You take a break sometime.In this you will have some time off and winter and some will be less.

I loved that "Ooopsie" after you got a screw in the tire. Got lucky with it aswell as it was a short screw.

Keep them updates coming, I'm so hooked on your progress!

It turned cold here as well. It has been below freezing here for about 3 or 4 days.
