Just a few things that have been happening around the Golden D Homestead Kitchen this past week. I started some seeds which I posted about the other day and another post here.
But aside from starting my seedlings for the upcoming spring and summer harvest, I also have my winter indoor garden that I have been pampering and recently moved to a grow tent plus the newly discovered fermenting stage I have been having so much fun with.
So on to my kitchen happenings this week!

SCOBY Success!
A couple of weeks ago I started my first batch of kombucha. For those of you who don't know what kombucha is, it's basically a fermented sweet tea. I had never drank it, let alone made it before. But now I have and not only that, I was successful with making my own SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast). I was so proud I even did my second Dtube (short) video. One day I'll be able to make longer videos, but hey, I'm new at this
▶️ DTube

Indoor Garden Is Doing Better In Grow Tent
Catnip has DOUBLED in size in just one week!
Tomato plants have some blossoms starting now too!
And just cause they are SO cute- here's another look at my Dwarf & Evening Sun Sunflowers thriving! Although it seems as though two of the Evening Sun seedlings aren't quite ready to make an appearance.

So how has your week been? What wonderful things have you been doing?

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@goldendawne Congratulations on your first SCOBY, I've been wanting to ferment some kombucha for awhile now, I usually ferment kefir which is even better for the gut cause it has quintuple the probiotics, but is not vegan though.
I actually want to try to ferment the two together with Turmeric and see the results, you can also try mixing your kombucha with mint and lemon juice it is very refreshing during the summer 😉
Oh the mint with lemon juice sounds GREAT especially on a hot summer afternoon.
I wasn't sure I could make the SCOBY but I did and I was so thrilled!
@goldendawne I can imagine, yeah I heard it can be a struggle to raise SCOBY on your own, and you can experiment with anything on kombucha be it blueberry or orange juice, it will ferment anything you mix in and give you a nice and fuzzy drink
great job!
Very nice homesteading @goldendawne love gardening
it's cool indoor garden i like your post, thanks for share @goldendawne
Way to go! That's a beautiful looking scooby.
YEAH! I am so happy! I even sent a picture to my husband at work... his reply...wth is that? lol
They are kind of strange in a "bacterial colony" life form type of way :) I'd love to get one under a microscope.
Look at them...doing so good!!!
Congrats on the baby scoby :D I would love to learn how to make or tend to my own! Do you have any resources for a beginner looking to start?
I have a booklet on PDF I'd have to find it. If I do I'll message you on Discord
I have not started mine yet thinking maybe a good thing as febuary snow is here as we did not have any in january. I think I will hold off for two more weeks. I have such a daunting task ahead of me to plant vegetables this year. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two.
Normally I wouldn't have started early this year either but having the grow tent has been a real help to starting early.
Keep an eye on my blog- I'll be sharing so much in the coming weeks and months.
I learn something new from you all the time! hehe Love it
Have a good one @goldendawne!
Yeah... I love sharing all my adventures! ALways something new and exciting happening here.
your plants are looking great! isn't it cool to be able to do it indoors?
also congrats on the SCOBY & kombucha--- such a healthy, easy to make drink ;D
Thanks!! I wasn't sure how it would turn out and when I looked in the cupboard Monday night I was almost dancing!!
Congrats on first scoby. The indoor grow tent method is working it seems :)
Thank you! I still can't believe I made it.
Yay! Great to see them doing so well in the grow tent. You're going to hit the ground running this season!
That's the plan! Plus this way I now know I can grow my herbs year-round which is a huge bonus
Nice to see pics of your blossoming garden! Thanks for sharing! :) We have done Kombucha in the past, but have taken a break from it. Our SCOBYs are about 6" tall (neglected)! They are pretty massive and kind of gross. I learned on Steemit that you can make a sour candy out of them. Interesting. Anyway, we moved from Kombucha to kefir water because we like the taste of it so much more and it is way faster and easier! :) If you ever get some kefir grains, you should try it out. Nice post. #thesteemengine
Thank you- and I am thrilled with how things are going so far.
Every day I sneak a peek at the seedlings and look for sprouting.
6 inches!!! WOW! The king of all SCOBY!
I have been making kefir just recently and LOVE it! I am really enjoying the cream cheese I make from it. So smooth, tangy and delicious.
4 days ago I started our first attempt at making a scoby from scratch. So far it looks vary promising. Congratulations on your turning out.
That's GREAT!! Make sure to post an update soon!
I will be making more from the original SCOBY as well as the one I was able to make.
They are looking very good! My little brother helps my grandparents with their gardening when the seasons right and I think this year I'm going to get involved too. It seems like it is such a rewarding hobby and the fact you get to eat the super healthy rewards just makes it ideal.
Good little post here, going to swing by and check out your dTube :)
Oh I would recommend getting involved- working in the dirt can be so relaxing and then when the harvest is ready and you get to see all you have accomplished and were able to grow; it is SO rewarding!