Exactly. I can speak for myself, as well as many others in the homesteading community, when we say we started here for the exposure, blogging platform, etc with the earnings being down the ladder some. I have met more homesteaders here than any other social media site. I was in some FB groups but it got all political, people were rude, etc. I just don't have time for that nonsense. The group and community here has been SO supportive, helpful and are people I consider my friends.
Booted? lol- no you are a GREAT addition to the community.
You should have your wife open her own steemit account. Isn't she a nurse or have medical training too? She could be like our homesteading nurse. That would be awesome!! PLUS.. you could have two accounts earning and double the exposure!
Thanks. My wife is named Addie and she is a zoologist :) If you need to know anything at all about plants and animals then she is the one to ask. She doesn't really care for social media and she spend a lot of her free time running in races or taking care of our website fixedbydoc.com or caring for our homestead. She works currently at Sams Club. I am retired so have lots of free time left over after caring for the homestead.
Oh yeah... you have the medical background, right? Got you two mixed up there.
Plants? Oh MY! I may have to pick her brain one day!