A Few Jobs Done - December 12, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading3 months ago

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Thursday morning was a bit traumatic around here. I didn’t get up until 6AM and I wasn’t greeted at the bedroom door by the furball. I went about doing my stuff and still no furball. It was long past breakfast and so I started hunting for him.

I had heard him scratching at the bedroom door probably around 5AM, so I knew he’d been around then. My brother left for work at roughly that time, but he said he hadn’t seen him. My son said he saw him at 10PM but not since.

So I went around opening doors, even checked outside. Nothing. After about 20 minutes of searching, I thought I heard a faint meow so I tried to follow it. Somehow he had managed to get himself into the bedroom as I came out and I never saw him. It was the one room I didn’t check because I had just been there. Cats! Sigh…

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As I mentioned on the last post, I had found this Nicholas Sparks book at the Senior Center. I’d been up reading it the night before and didn’t have a lot left. So I made a cup of tea and sat down to finish it.

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This is what it looked like outside when I pulled up shades. It’s more like early spring than early winter, except it’s much colder.

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As predicted, the snow is gone from the New Herb garden.

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The humidity tray for the ginger has helped a lot. The new tips are not brown. But the leaves are still extremely skinny. I think I need to feed them more often than once a month.

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Floor protectors before, and after

The floor protectors had shifted enough that they had become a tripping hazard, in addition to not doing their job well. So when my helper friend arrived at 11AM, this was the first job we tackled.

I thought it would be a bear to pull them out from under the desks to straighten them out. But they slid out easily. He got the old tape goo off with Goo Gone and then washed the tops of them. Then we taped them back in place with Gorilla tape.

They’d been done last 4 years ago when we set up the office, so I’m hoping they will last a few years again.

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Next we dragged the huge bag of bubble wrap up from the cellar and set about protecting the crib from chips. We ran out on the last side panel. We got the finished parts into the attic where I hope they will be safe until it hopefully sells. I have a call in for more bubble wrap on BuyNothing. I hope we get offered some on Friday so we can finish.

He went on errands and I cleaned up the mess we’d made. He made me meatballs to go with zucchini noodles for supper.

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On Friday I plan to start spring cleaning the pantry. We won’t get a lot done, as he has to run an errand too. At noon I have an event at the Senior Center called Dashing Through the Snow. It’s a history of Christmas in New England. So another busy day.


Larry was too polite to make loud noises! He should have called out loudly like my cat when she wanted to enter my room.

Hope you’ll be able to sell the crib soon.

Larry has a VERY quiet purr and isn't very loud even when he's starving to death each morning...

The supervisor is really one hell of a cat, I couldn't help smiling, just watching him perform his antics

You finally found your cat, good luck. You did a lot of work today, you woke up early in the morning, which everyone should do.

Do plants grow well in snowy periods or it doesn’t?

Nothing grows here this time of year. The ground is frozen solid.

I have cats myself, sometimes are missing, I call them for long and they don't care at all, then come out from nowhere...

I've read some Nicholas sparks books too, not this one in particular, they are always emotional

The floor protectors shifting was really dangerous, it's a good thing you had it fixed to avoid falls.

Congratulations on finding your cat
I’m glad

Awe, Larry wanted to be with you in the bedroom. He was very slick to sneak past you. ♥

Yeah, he'd love nothing more than to keep me up all night getting patted. NOT HAPPENING! LOL

Furball took you to a lot of trouble by hiding out in the bedroom but at last you found him. That delayed your daily routine but at last you got to doing the chores and you completed them. Your day went well. Thanks for the update.

Hahaha... How funny can pets get, I can see he's playing there, having fun all by himself.