Books - February 19, 2025 @goldenoakfarm

Cold sunny morning crop Feb 2025.jpg

Another cold sunny morning

I’ve been a real slug-a-bed the last couple days, not getting up until 6AM. Losing those 1 – 2 hours in the morning really sets me back. I got my post up and a shower and started the dishes before I had to leave for exercise class.

Because there’d been no class for a week, they took it easy on us. Thank goodness! I stopped to get the mail on the way back in and had 4 packages of books in my box! The poor mailman couldn’t have gotten a letter in there!

First batch of books crop Feb 2025.jpg

I buy used books, the best ones I can find. But the bottom one someone had underlined in pencil throughout it. I can’t stand writing in books. Fortunately they had used a light pencil and I have an excellent eraser. It took me an hour and a half but I was able to get 90% or better removed.

Icy walkways crop Feb 2025.jpg

My brother was home early and we finished cleaning the kitchen. I had gone out earlier and gotten the suet feeders off the line and filled them, but it was too early to fill the feeders.

When I went out to do the feeders at 4:30PM, the walks were all glare ice. I sanded, again, and hoped the wind had died down and wouldn’t blow the sand away as it has every time previously. You can see the sand blown onto the snowbanks.

Second batch of books crop Feb 2025.jpg

When my brother came in he was carrying another package of books! So all my books have come in, and I won’t be watching Gilmore Girls for a long time!

It was to get really cold, below 0F, on Wednesday night so I got both stove cranking early.

On Thursday I have PT in the morning before my helper friend comes. He says he is much better so I hope to get the dining room done, plus he has errands. I’d hoped to work on the garden bed notes but another late rising will probably not allow that.


Used books is a good idea, if they are in good conditions, no real reason not to buy them

I don’t really buy books anymore but there was a time when I buy used books at a shop very close to my hostel

I personally am still struggling waking up even before 6am

Wow! You have ordered so many books. You’re a fast reader! I am rather slow and one book would last me six days!
The cold weather seems to be unrelenting. It’s almost the end of February and the snow still keeps coming!

It seems you love to read a lot
It’s one of my hobbies as well
I love reading

Thank goodness, you were able to erase the part that was underlined with pencil.

I know, right?

Yes! You are super genius.💪