On Saturday morning I planned to go out and sort and bag kindling. I would be sitting on the cold ground for this job so I needed my winter clothes. I’d not yet been able to get them changed out.
So I went upstairs and trashed my brother’s room emptying out the cedar closet to get to the bag of clothes I needed. I naturally had lots of help.
Everything had to be checked over.
Basket contents checked for suitability.
When I had to load everything into the basket, he didn’t move, of course. But I eventually found all the stuff I needed and got the full basket downstairs. I just left the mess, as I hadn’t finished the job.
I got out there around 10:45AM as I’d waited for the sun to come around the house. It’s a wind tunnel between the shed and house in the best of times.
I managed to sort through half the big pile in 2½ hours.
I filled 7 or 8 bags, most of it the tiny stuff I need to do a top down lighting of the masonry heater.
My brother and I had decided on a stirfry using the leftover chicken breasts so I went out to the Big garden and harvested lots of greens and some celery.
I’d had to cover the cabbage again as it was to be 26F during the night.
Larry in sunshine
By the time I got the afternoon chores done I was wiped out. My brother actually made the supper.
Sunday I will be back out there sorting the rest of the kindling. I’m hoping my brother will clean up the leavings before the electric company comes to trench.
Larry really enjoy being on the sunshine. He worked too hard so he just needed a good rest.
Those green vegetables look very inviting !
We haven't had a fire in two weeks now. Summer is truly here.
Sigh... 18F here this morning...