Gotta Love Brainfog…NOT! - January 2, 2025 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading2 months ago

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A cold and windy day

Thursday morning was interesting. I was up at 5:30AM and my brother had already left for work. I was working on the post when he called at 5:50AM. His car had died about 7 minutes up the road.

I don’t drive when it’s dark due to little or no night vision. So we decided to wait until A: he got too cold waiting for AAA or B: AAA showed up before having me try to get to him.

He called about 6:30AM and it was still dark. Oh, dear… AAA was on their way. So I got dressed and headed out. Thank goodness the lines on the road had been recently painted. And that there aren’t too many people on the road as I get sick looking at those new LED headlights, especially the blue ones that almost look like cop car lights. But I made it to him just as his little car was being pulled onto the trailer.

He was only 300’ from his mechanic’s when the car died, so it was a mighty short trip.

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End of Year sorting supervisor

Once he brought me home and headed to work in my car (and it was now light out) I got the shades up, finished my post and decided to finish the bills/budget. I’d gotten stuck on a side project I wanted to finish first, figuring out how much I’d spent on Christmas the last couple years.

I’d found a Christmas list in the tin I keep my sister’s advent lists in. No idea what it was doing there, OR what I did with it after finding it. I’d been looking for it off and on for the last 2 weeks, to no avail.

So I decided that I’d sort the End of Year stuff and put it away and maybe I’d find the missing list in there.

Setting up for End of Year sorting crop Jan 2025.jpg

There were easily 2X as many envelopes before I finished. But everything was neatly filed away and no list. Sigh… So I could put the bag in the attic, except the calendar which went in it wasn’t done…

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So I took the 2 calendars out to the dining room table and started transferring and writing in all holidays, birthdays, and work schedules for the year. I’d hoped I’d be done by the time my helper friend arrived at noon, but not even close, I think I was in June.

He had an errand to run and while he did that I cleaned up the kitchen so he could feed house plants when he got back. Then I went back to the calendar.

Once it was finished, I went back to the Christmas list trying to figure out what I’d spent. Then the brainfog lifted for a second and I realized, Duh! Maybe I’d put it away where it belonged, in the 2023 bag in the attic.

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In the meantime a snow squall blew in and we saw an awful lot of horizontal snow going past the windows. It got so dark from the snow, I turned on the Christmas tree.

So I decided that seeing as I was going into the attic to put the bag away, and to look for the missing list, I should have my helper friend get the candle lights box up into the attic while it was opened. So we went up and did all those things, and guess what was filed properly in its bag? Sigh…

So I came down and tried to finish the list only to discover that the present I’d given my sister had to be returned and I couldn’t figure out what had replaced it.

Finally the brainfog lifted again for a few seconds and I realized whatever it was, was probably given in the following year. And lo, and behold!

So I made a new file (after cleaning out the old files and putting that stuff where it went) labeled Christmas and maybe next year I’ll be able to find what I am looking for… or not…

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What was left of the snow squall after the sun came back out

My helper friend got the plants fed, and asked if he could leave early. His glasses had broken and the optician could do them late afternoon before 4PM. We decided if he left by 3PM that would work, so he vacuumed the first floor and made me meatballs for supper.

Meatballs crop Jan 2025.jpg

They are made without breadcrumbs, substituting nutritional yeast. He seasons them with garlic, rosemary, celery salt and pepper and this time I added Walla onion greens.

But by the time supper rolled around I was too tired to make zoodles and just ate vegs and dip. Not a good supper. Sigh…

On Friday the plan when he arrives at 8AM is to finish the pantry. I also need to clean the kitchen and get a shower before then. Plus the milk order. I have PT in the afternoon.


You wake up early in the morning to the bad news that your brother's car is dead. Fog and darkness are dangerous for driving.

Wow, the meatballs looks yummy and I think I'm salivating right now.

Foggy brains at our age seem to be going around. lol You are not alone and sometimes we have to wonder what we were thinking about when we put something away. We make lots of notes in our house, and then we forget where we put them. It just keeps life interesting, right?

Sigh... Only I've been like this since I was 20 due to Lyme disease. With 2 rounds of Covind, the brainfog is worse than ever!

That sure must make life hard on you sometimes. Did you see my post about Mikas vet visit? She has Lyme Disease right now.

NO! The good news is pets get FAR better treatment for it than humans! I hope she recovers quickly.

A few times I get that too, I mean I just place something somewhere and a minute later I forgot...

Driving with night without street lights is indeed not nice to do

The first photo conveys the mood of cold winter day. You could cope with do many detailed works in one day!
I would have become very noted and made some cookies to soothe myself. Larry has been very helpful and hard working!

Hope you could find that list!

When I read about your snow posts, it makes me feel or wish that my area would experience it a little bit.

Sorry about your brother's car. It's a good thing that help came early enough.

I can see the supervisor over there. He sleeps wherever he likes. That's great.