On Monday morning it was cold here, 11F outside. I got the wood stove going and the masonry heater was holding at 164F which would keep me toasty in the addition.
Morning fire in wood stove
I got the post up and got an email from Tom about the printer, so I got that ordered. Should be here on Thursday. I was still stripping and doing laundry. I got the kitchen cleaned up, did my few allowed PT exercises and got ready for exercise class. But my ride never came. We’d had crossed wires about to call or not to call.
So I was doomed to pay bills/do budget all morning.
Cat rug
My #2 intern was to arrive at 11:30AM to finish the Christmas tree. She hadn’t seen the latest photos of her nephew on FB so we looked at them and she called her sister to ask about the photo set-up. The sister had made a huge hot chocolate mug out of a planter and a pool noodle and it was perfect! She had a candy cane for stirring and had made marshmallows. The whole thing was big enough to easily hold her 15 month old son. So cute! I wish she had a photo of just the set-up, as she doesn’t put the baby out in public.
My #2 intern soon had the tree standing straight, the tree skirt in place, and the star on the top. It’s finally done!
The star is merely a tinsel thing. I found it in 1979 for a tiny tree we had back then. Since then we’ve either had tiny trees or a tree that brushed the ceiling. So I’ve kept it all these years. I make sure there are at least 3 yellow lights behind it to light it up.
Comfy cat
Once she left, I made lunch and then tackled more bills/budget until 3PM. I’d had enough so I decided to go up and get the mail.
I hadn’t driven the car since Saturday and when I went to start it the lights on the dash came on but nothing happened. So I called AAA again. Seems like they are out here every 2 months or so, for the same problem. Sigh…
The wood guy arrived at 5PM for his check. He said his son is healing after a logging accident to his ankle, but isn’t much help now. The AAA guy arrived about 20 minutes later, said all systems seemed ok, got the car going and said to leave it running. It was going to be too cold for the trickle charger to work during the night. I hope it starts in the morning… The battery is only 1½ years old.
I got the stoves going well and watched a Christmas movie before heading to bed at 8PM.
On Tuesday my helper friend arrives at 9:30AM and we have a list of stuff to do, like put the dining room back together, errands, cleaning, etc. I have PT in the afternoon.
Having the truck not start is so odd after they keep charging it. So weird. You did a very nice job on the tree and I think Larry approves.
It's the car, and the same problem is that the various people driving it apparently aren't turning the key off in different circumstances. But it is odd it keeps happening...
Hm of you can would be good to cover the car, even build a small garage with woods
No room for a garage….
Maybe cover with a cloth? Helps a bit with the freezing
When the winters get longer, this thing becomes necessary. If the room stays warm, our health will also be good and our animals will also stay there happily.
#hive #posh
Your cat is very beautiful, the way it lies is strange and funny. I like cats.
I can see how Larry is relaxing waiting patiently for the Christmas 😃
I love your car
It looks good
The decoration on your Christmas tree is lovely
Nice one!