Garden did well it seems despite the drought. Too bad about the squash. i did see a bit of powdery mildew on one.
I've use a raw milk spray for 3 years with excellent success on my squash and anything else that gets the mildew. Raw milk: water 1:10, used once a week, tops and bottoms of leaves.
Yeah, there has been some powdery mildew, but the biggest problem has been squash borers. We may skip a year or two on the squashes and see if that helps. We planted late hoping that would make a difference. It did not. Thanks for the recipe! Does it work on tomatoes, too?
Not tried it on any, as it wasn't need....
Thankfully, ours wasn't so bad on the tomatoes this year. Just a touch of blossom rot on one plant. We put a raw egg into each hole when we planted them because last year the blossom rot was bad.