It was on December 5, 2021 that my new bedroom was finished. In 2022 I was still under construction over the winter. So it didn’t get spring cleaned. In 2023 I got Covid the end of November, so no spring cleaning at all was done. It was long past due.
So on Friday at 8AM, I started carrying out things that needed to be cleaned while my helper friend tackled the bed.
He got it stripped then we carried the mattresses into the kitchen. He got the bed boxes out from underneath and cleaned them. Then I helped him vacuum under the bed and to vacuum the bedrails.
I had been reading about orienting the direction you sleep. It seemed north-south was preferred over east-west. The bed’s head had been on the east side of the room since it was finished.
This was because the drawing of the room didn’t seem to allow enough room to put it anywhere else. I hadn’t tried, just set it up as drawn.
But I wanted to try to turn the bed so we measured it up and it looked like it might work. There was just enough room to open the closet doors and to get around to the other side. The one drawback was the headboard was in front of a window and it would be quite a job getting that window out twice a year to clean.
So once the bed was in place we dragged in each mattress, vacuumed it thoroughly and put the clean linens on it. I went back to cleaning the stuff in the kitchen and he started vacuuming the walls and ceiling.
We took a break at 10AM to get the tarp off the clothesline. The wind had already blown it half off during the night and I had put it back on. We had also forgotten to package the meals so we got that done too.
We next tackled the closet and got it vacuumed and dusted. I had a couple pairs of shoes that needed attention, so I set those aside to do.
He had to leave at 11:45AM but we had all the furniture back in and all the vacuuming was done. He’d even vacuumed each of the books.
I worked until 12:30PM and stopped for lunch. I still had the platform rocker to do and that would take the best part of an hour with all the scrollwork on it. I also had the washing of the stuff by the sink to do.
I was pretty tired so I decided to sit and watch a Christmas movie. I got started again around 2PM.
I had started the bed linens stripping and added the table linens to the wash. They would not be ready to iron until Saturday.
I got the furniture dusted and polished and finished washing pictures and hung them up. I got the washing of things done next.
The last thing I did was tackle the platform rocker. I finally finished at 4PM.
The room was done except for the table linens. There’s so much more room in there now. It remains to be seen how well I adapt to the reversal of orientation. It smells lovely and is so bright and clean and shiny again. The carpet needs a bit of cleaning but I don’t have a carpet cleaner. That will have to wait for another time.
I had closed the window (the bedroom is always very cold) and opened the door to warm it up in there. So I reversed that to cool it down for the night.
I got the candles turned on but was too tired to light stoves. I didn’t get that done until after 6PM. I went to bed at 8PM.
On Saturday I’ll see how well I am doing. I might try to go to the co-op early as there’s stuff I need and there wasn’t time for my helper to go. I still need to finish the bills/budget, iron the big pile of linens, and write Christmas cards.
#hive #posh
A thorough job was done in your new bedroom, the whole bedroom is looking clean and kept. Kudos to you
The bedroom is looking well kept now thanks to the efforts of you and your helper. No doubt it will help you sleep better, especially as you need to get a rest after all the work. Have a nice weekend.
You have decorated your new bedroom beautifully, you have done a lot of work cleaning the room and arranging the furniture. Enjoy your bedroom now.
I didn't know that thing of the bed orientation... I sleep south to north now
That's supposed to be the best. I couldn't do that because of the head board vs closet.