The Tree is Done - November 23, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

Christmas tree - finished crop Nov. 2021.jpg

On Tuesday morning I got started hanging the last of the ornaments and bulbs on the tree and then I put away all the boxes. I managed to break 2 ornaments, either knocking them off or dropping them. I’ve not broken ornaments in years… Then my cleaning helper helped getting the bed ready for my mom.

Big garden - more mulch down crop Nov. 2021.jpg

Once the carpenter was done with his helper and the door, the helper went out and finished emptying the trailer and went up and got a new load of mulch.

Remains of mulch hay pile crop Nov. 2021.jpg

The plastic covering the hay was only 2 months old, but had started to disintegrate into tiny pieces. He cleaned up that mess too.

Trailer of mulch bales crop Nov. 2021.jpg

He’s got a load in the driveway ready to put down on Wednesday. I am hoping he can finish the Big garden mulching and then get the Small garden cleaned up of leaves and put the last of the mulch down on it. There’s not enough to finish it. That will be a big problem in the spring. I’ll have to try to find more mulch. I’ll need it for the New Herb garden also.

Dennis crop Nov. 2021.jpg

When I went up to do the cats, there were 7 deer lined up across the sandhill. But it was too dark to get good pictures. I tried to get one of Dennis in her bed, but she wasn’t cooperating…

Candles in dining room crop Nov. 2021.jpg

I spent the afternoon figuring out the window candles in the new windows. I got all but 2 windows in the addition done.

On Wednesday my intern will be here. I hope to get all the candles in the windows throughout the house, and maybe do some decorating. I also have to make Cranberry-Blueberry chutney for Thursday. If I have energy and time, I should pickup and put away the various messes all over the house. It’s still very much a house under construction…

And if I can remember I should see if I can create a bedside table with lamp and clock for my mom’s bed…

It’s going to be a crazy busy day. Thank goodness for my intern!


Help is always so helpful!!

Can't wait to start getting some holiday decorations up. My son keeps asking!

I am so pleased to hear that you have an intern coming in!

And does mulching ever truly end? Lol! The tree looks lovely, and please give that orange kitty a scratch from me:)

My intern has been coming each week for over 3 years now. Yes, mulching will end until April when I will start again...

Dennis is a "spirit" cat and I have only recently been forgiven for catching her bird inside that window and letting it go, about a month ago. This means she will allow me to occasionally run my hand down her back if I aim well when she jumps up to my hand. That's it. No scratches, no extra pats.... And no approaching her at any time besides meal times.

Ah drat, I should've used my words better. I knew you had an intern, I was just wondering if it was a new one lol!

Oh, Dennis is a fun kitty 🤣, and she seems super independent which is a thing I admire about cat's in general. I'm glad she doesn't use you as a scratching post, I find that rather rude.

So mulching, it's like the movie Groundhog's Day then, yep, that makes sense. I feel your pain on that one...