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in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

YouTube sensation WrangleStar is at it again, roping in tens of thousands of views on his YouTube channel... This guy makes more money monetizing videos than he does on his "homestead".... In fact, Prepper Guide wouldn't be surprised if this YouTube rancher actually losses money on his ranch but more than makes up for the loss with his PayPal ....


I'm still subscribed to him, but when he went multiple videos saying he wasn't doing click bait titles and then came out with a video saying that he did, he lost my respect.

He could have owned up to it on the first one and just said that was the only way to work the YouTube system.

I have over 50 years of ass-busting experience in agronomy, dairy farming, vegetable/produce farming , ranching and subsistence farming in the Alaskan Bush... I'm retired, and I look after my step dad who is a native American WW2 combat veteran ...

It takes me all of about 5 min to spot the phony, and it takes my dad about 30 sec to spot a "smoke blower"....