How distressing about the fawns! I wouldn't have thought about checking the fields first at all.
I love the photo of your daughter jumping. She really went far!
We too have lost a chicken or two to an overzealous dog. Our dogs are not penned or kept contained (except by perimeter collars) and the two hounds are especially bad about sneaking up and giving chase. As a result we only let the chickens out of their pen in the evening hours. That way we are home and can stop a chase when we see it begin. I feel for Little Man. His heart must have just shattered. Dogs can definitely be ornery.
It was good to read an update on everything, even if some of the news was bad. That's how we learn some hard lessons.
Little Barky is our hound mix too! The retriever and the shepherd don't seem to have the same burning desire to chase little critters that he does.
I feel the worst about the last fawn because there was just a (relatively) small section left to mow at the top of the hill and I actually said to the Husband "maybe I should go up there and look" and then "naw, I doubt a fawn would've been left there" since it was right by the woods. And then it turned out a fawn was in there after all :( It's such a huge field it would be impossible to thoroughly canvass the whole thing....but we can at least try next year.
Oh! How heartbreaking! :( I can see myself saying the same thing and then assuming all the noise had finally scared it off.
Isn't that funny about the hounds! It must be their prey drive. We have eight dogs and only those two even think twice about the chickens. Nobody else cares. They'll even let them eat their dog food!