We started building this chicken coop a few months ago. We didn't finish it until recently so I've waited till now to upload our progress.
You might remember what happened last year regarding our chickens. We were ransacked by raccoons. In case you forgot and/or are new to following me here is the link to refresh your memory:
Taking apart ye old chicken coop.
First we had to pound in metal stakes to hold in the cattle panel. That square frame is going to be used for the door.
The sides of the coop consisted of the walls from the old coop. The cattle panel will be used to create a shelter and run for the chickens.
We used 1X6's for the top part of the coop.
We put in the square frame where the door is going to go.
We tacked in mesh wire fence around the frame.
When it was finished it looked like this.
Last it was time to add the chickens.
We put in the water and food containers and built in a couple nest boxes so the ladies can lay eggs. However, the chickens weren't using the nest boxes. So we cut a hole in that gray tub and set it up as a nest box and the chickens started using it instead. We got about 15 hens. You can see most of them were in the back behind the tub and food containers. We had several chickens that didn't make it through the winter. In case you forgot here are the links from last winter when these hens were still chicks.
Chicks are here!
Our chicks are getting bigger.
Thanks for looking and happy homesteading!
As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!!!
PROOF I got a big cock.
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Great job to get a new coop. Have about 6 chickens at home but they aren't that many for me to worry about making a coup for them. Glad they are finally safe
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Thanks for stopping by Fred!
Great post with the acid flashback links for newbies like meeeee.... Lol
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hey dear @hippie-witha-gun, great job !! in many farms in different parts of the world, I have seen that defending their chickens from predators is a big problem. so you really made them a safe and beautiful home !! congratulation :-))
I love the process or evolution of a job, it looks spectacular and the effort you made can be seen from kilometers haha, congratulations!
Great project. Hope no racoons can get to the chicken this time.
It looks pretty sturdy that scoop.
Funny how you prepare something for the animals to use in a given way and they have whole other plans.
Lmao.. way to work a penis joke into the post. Nice shirt
So far over 1000 people think I got a big cock HA HA.
Hi hippie-witha-gun,
Visit curiesteem.com or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.
hey thank you!
Good luck,
however...raccoons are excellent tunnelers that have dug under the sides of coops 'round my neck of the woods.
I built my coop of salvaged 2inch rough-cut plank boards for walls, roof and doors, plus a layer of metal on the roof. The dual doors slide on a rail and latch at center with a swivel handle. There are also drop lockpins at outside lower corners. It won't stop a bear attack but the 'coons never made it in.
My birds free range no fencing by day and go in the coop on their own at dusk so shutting them in takes no time at all. I've put away several 'coons that came down in broad daylight to hide under my maple trees and watch for a laying hen to exit the coop. Sometimes the 'coons would look at me while they hid 15 feet away next to a maple so the hen wouldn't see them. They ain't the brightest animals and they'd still be there after I walked upstairs to grab the shotgun. They are tough animals and it pains me to put them down. I don't blame the 'coons for being predators but we're over run with them and even though I'm now officially vegan (my wife is only vegetarian), I'll put down a coon to keep the hens.
10:30PM the other night it was hot and we had the door open. My wife went downstairs and walked up on one inside the house eating out of a cat food dish. 'Coons in the house ain't cool. I hope they split out and put some distance between me and them. Cute buggers but I don't trust anything wearing a mask ya know?
About 4AM the other morning I stepped onto the deck and found a family of 6 'coons at the edge staring at 3 of my cats staring back. I spoke and the mama growled as she led the 5 away and across the road. That was the third time in a week they got bold. One walked up within a couple feet of me and so I figure the New Jersey transplant neighbors been feeding them and they expect nothing to fear. City folk, been here for decades now but ain't got their eyes wide open yet.
I've never heard of a 'coon attacking a house cat but a hungry family of 6 can't be trusted. Something attacked one of my cats a while back, bit him in the face and took some of his tail. The cat is my prize hunter called Zer and although he lost a tooth in the fight he survived. One day he came home with all the ribs broken on one side. That vet bill cost me $500 and he's well worth it. I'll never know what did that to him, probably hit by a car. Keeping animals in the country is challenging. Watching them live free as sentient beings just like me is a spiritual experience. Evolving vegan has set me free.
Edit added: Hey groovy, I just spotted the wood floor in yer coop! Awesome!
Have a nice day.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA
All i know is when we finally are ready to build a chicken coop, we are going to need you to do it. Great job. Pays in weed and beer. Lol
How about full frontal nudity too? I got all the weed and liquor I need HA HA. It was actually our hired help that helped us build this chicken coop. I just documented the progress. Like I said we started putting it together a few months ago and it wasn't until recently that we finished and was able to get my cock pic that I wanted HA HA.
I came over here specifically to introduce you to my good friend @goat-girlz who is also homesteading on the west side of the Cascades... I'm trying to get my cousin to join in on the fun as well, but so far, no luck there. (I'm originally from the North Oregon Coast.)
I've seen @goat-girlz around I've just haven't followed them. But if you insist HA HA. Thanks for stopping by. I've been back in Arkansas now for about 2 and a half years now. I lived in Washington and Oregon the last 5 years before moving here. So I'm familiar with your location.