
I would get three. I will be looking for a rooster after these pullets get a bit bigger. A rooster adds a bit oof safety for the hens. I like to free range mine. Makes for amazingly tasty eggs. Besides they can be entertaining as well. Look forward to hearing what type and your experience with them.

I have mine in a chicken tractor so I move them every couple of days onto fresh grass

I got 6 chicken in2013 and now I'm down to just 2. They are red sex links, and lay some of the biggest eggs I've ever seen. Bigly ones.

Thats good! If you had it to start again, would you try another type of chicken or stick with what you have?

I would like to try some different breeds just because some are so pretty. I'll have to give to the red sex link though they are some good layers. Large brown and big eggs. When I put the eggs in a large egg container the lid will hardly close.