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RE: Posting My Property...

in #homesteading4 months ago

I ask since when down south in the Ozarks (with my family), I followed google maps on to a road, which was not a road at all, but a two-track on private land. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was posted "no trespassing". Trying to get back on the road, I turned and approached a home, which almost led to a confrontation with (presumably) the land owner. I got scared and drove off, but I felt very guilty about it, since it made me look pretty shady. I have no idea if he was armed (probably was), I was just waiting to hear the shotgun going off behind me as I drove off.

Secondhand lions

Looking back, it would have been better explaining my situation with the man, but it was my first time down south and I saw too many horror films as a child about crazy "redneck" with shotguns. But as my experience broadened, I learned people down south, especially property owners, are the kindest and most reasonable people, far more compassionate (in many cases) than up north in the cities and suburbs.