These are really good things to think about before making the decision. I know that for my family, we would not fair well going off grid. As 'romantic' as the off-grid life sounds, if move away from the city, we would still have some reliance on utilities. @ironshield
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I think for me the issue with going off-grid is that I'm not sure how I would jump into doing all the duties I need to while keeping up with the kids. If it had been our life before children and I was used to it, then I could see being able to add them in - but jumping in right at this point is a terrifying thought because of the amount I'd have to reorient.
Generally I think our best bet is to focus on increasing our self-reliance right where we are and learning, learning, learning; we can then be teaching our kids while we learn and there will be a point where we are a little army and will have much greater capability to take on this kind of challenge.