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RE: Mega Homestead Gardening Day

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

SPOILER ALRT: By the end of summer they had made a pathetically small harvest of some tomatoes and a few other hardy vegetables. Lack of watering in the brutally hot microclimate of the Lewiston desert condemned many plants, then there were all those filthy evil critters feasting happily on the ailing plants, then the brutal cold came early, killing many of the remaining survivors. All this from a so called off gridder who grew up gardening. lol.


Interesting. I am not sure what videos you were watching but we are still canning tomatoes and more. But I dont want to spoil things.

By the way, we are still eating from our garden last year which you guys called a failure.

all the veggies just like in the past were bought from REAL farmers, all the bottom grade that Troy could get out of the dumpster.

Oh really now? How would you know these things? Interesting your claims.

Oh and then you down vote me. How crude

You did an entire video bragging about how you feed your family on animal food and dumpster diving...

You can tell he's got lots to hide when he trys to delete comments.
The ones that say reveal make the best reading.

Yeah, the most filthy lies you guys can make up. Sure. The best.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives

I am working on my own blog.

You are here harassing me on my own blog.

Let the people decide

@thediyworld I think it’s pretty clear what the intelligent and informed people have decided. They’ve decided that you’re a lying, scamming, delusional narcissist who refuses to support his family in an honest manner.

I am waiting for your answer.

So you are saying that everyone in the entertainment industry are not supporting their family in an honest manner?

I mean that is what you are saying.

And we are making daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe us, that is fine.

But it gives you no right to harass us like this.

I think it's unanimous Troy, where are your 1k plus subs to back you up?
Not as poplar as you thouht eh, you can't buy subs on here, lol.

I dont buy subs. If you are honest with yourself, you would realize that YouTube would have long ago shut me down if it was true.

Because for years you have been turning me in for buying subs. But its not true. So nothing happens.

Dont you ever wonder about that.

I mean really think about it.