
troll alert.

lol, love the way you scream troll when someone brings up valid points. Now unlike the flunkys that follow you on youtube the people here at steem it have brains and can make up there own minds, you screaming troll proves to them you are unwilling to answer questions, and have something to hide.

Keep it up your only hurting yourself.

Valid points? Your points are based on lies.

Run along now and find something better to do with your life :)

You got me here for life I'm am going to stay till your wife and child are deported, and you have nothing left.

More chickens for Troy the animal abuser? I thought you were not allowed to own any more animals due to your past neglect? If you are allowed to own ANY animals after your past history that is amazing. You should be ashamed of how you treat animals. You try to cover your tracks now because you know people are watching. But you lack any human decency when it comes to animals. Just a matter of time before you get busted again because that is your nature.
As for your solar power...that is a joke. You tried for 4 years to get solar power working back at your old place and failed miserably. It never worked for 4 years straight as you had not a clue as to what you were doing. Then you had to get someone in to get it working properly (and event hat guy was sketchy with his knowledge). And you claim to be a solar expert? What a joke !!! I think all of your solar claims regarding this new place are a bunch of B.S. Your track record for solar is miserable and a complete failure. Why would it be any different now? You work so hard at lying and begging for donations and money it would be easier to just get a job and support your family. You keep this up and your wife and baby are going to be long gone. This constant scamming is no way to support a family. I do not understand why you have to lie so much all of the time. If anyone takes the time to look into your past videos they will see so much lying, twisting of the truth, deception, etc. You told everyone you were living in the tiny house on wheels when you actually were not living there but living in place with electricity, running water, heat....what a scam you were running. And everything you have now is from ripping people off with your lies. So i can see why you wan to continue to do that. But people are catching onto your scams Troy. Wont be so easy the second time. You need to get a real job and stop begging for money and donations. That is the only way you will get any respect.

then please give us the most recent links to he videos on his youtube channel showing these acts that you speak of ?
and please make sure they are on his channel and not ones that have been downloaded and altered by other people

Oh, I think that is asking too much now. The real videos? Never.

Hey don't you have an IP address to lookup Car 54

Hmmm... interesting... I saw you had the generosity to down vote everything I post including things that are not even related to Troy the scammer Reid...

I thought you had integrity... what happened to you?

Troll Alert, Troll Alert, Troll Alert,

Hey watch out Liberace’s sons about!

We show videos of our daily lives on YouTube for your FREE entertainment.

It is still America. I do believe I have the right to make a living as I see fit.

Thank you for the advice.

@thediyworld, You have been using the phrase "free entertainment" as a catch-all excuse to NOT have an honest or truthful business model.

Business model??

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

Just YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment.

You have no business running a business if you can't talk business

Umm, its videos. Just YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment.

Odd, your comment.

Troy Reid you are full of crap... You do not make video of your daily life.. You shoot videos and splice them to cover a week or so... Holy crap, it is no secret I don't like you... but you never stop to surprise me at how much of a douche bag you are and lying to people....

As for your "Free" shit... dude, really that has to stop... you are ridiculous... You don't do it for "free" you even said somewhere you did not post this or this video because it could not be monetized.... What a moron you are...

And as for your possible stupid argument that the "viewer" is not paying for your videos.. Google is signing your pay cheque: Well captain meadow ghoul... without viewers watching the ads in your boring videos... there would not be any pay cheque.. so stop saying it is for free... that is moronic.

And as per today, consider yourself lucky that Google didnt shut you down yet with your purchased subs and crappy content... But I can tell you one thing, don't sleep too well tonight or tomorrow.. because there will always be people who will be more then happy to tell Google... I am one of them.

I never saw someone as shameless as you are... in my entire life! You actually are a disgusting person as a whole... Usually, I try to find a faint light into anyone .. with you... I just give up...

It is free to the viewer. You and your friends are ranting and raving all kinds of garbage.

You do not have to pay a cent to watch my videos. Its FREE to you.

FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE. Yes I will say it again. FREE

We make videos of our daily lives for your FREE entertainment.

If you do not believe us that is fine.

You are not forced to be here. You are not forced to watch our videos.

And you are certainly NOT WANTED here harassing me like this.

Its very simple. Dont like my videos. LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!

This is being serious here!
This is an educational video of what can happen if you let morons wild.
This will be posted everywhere from now on!
Troy has upset me for trying to hide my comments!
Please donate to the old lady that owns the land for the clean-up operation after Troy was evicted because he couldn’t make the land payment!
What do you reckon on guys, guilty or not guilty of trashing the Fairy Medlow!