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RE: Posting My Property...

in #homesteading2 months ago

I always try to approach folks trespassing as if they are lost or in need of help first. Usually, they are neither but it gives them an easy way out of the scenario.

Depending on what they are up to (armed trespassing, hunting, stealing) determines my next move. Some folks are just desperate and need food or firewood (akin to what the OP stated) so I base things off that and what kind of folks they seem to be.

Having dealt with thousands of trespassers over the decades being a caretaker on other folks land (and enforcing their specific rules) has definitely affected my sentiments... but the lone trespasser that I had on my place (since owning my own land) I just kindly told them that they could not be doing what they were trying to do and suggested that they leave. Which they did.


it gives them an easy way out of the scenario.

Good to offer a peaceful resolution, assuming the best. Better than an aggressive negotiation.

thousands of trespassers

Wow, that's a lot of confrontations. And a lot of experience. Thank you for sharing.

Lots of working at outdoor event venues, festival sites and private retreats.