
That is part of the cost savings, less material needed. This is a good upgrade!


So these new ones are alot lighter too?

Yes, costs are improved by better power to weight ratios, which reduces the amount of material required.


Just think where they'll be in 10 or 15 years, do you have any idea or is that above your paygrade?

At this rate, they should push it under $50, but they will be at the limit of this technology. It will slowly be taken over by solid Sodium Ion solid electrolyte batteries that I posted on about six months ago. Less energy density, but the cost should be much lower, maybe in the $20 range.

The right course would be the Vanadium Redox flow battery, if they get smart.


What in the world is the Vanadium Redox flow battery?

The answer to a transportation battery. The fluid can be exchanged for charged fluid, similar to filling a gas tank. That was a service station can recharge a car in a minute or so. The fluids are permanent, and do not degrade, so exchanging them is a safe thing to do. The old fluid can be recharged and pumped into the next car. Stations could be run on solar panels.

The Vanadium redox battery is a flow battery using ionic vanaduim in sulfuric acid across an osmotic membrane.