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RE: Homesteading update

in #homesteading7 years ago

I was just going to recommend beer and crushed eggshells, but @pumpkinsandcats has already done so - so I will second that recommendation instead ;o) Slug pellets can be deadly to all manner of things other than slugs and are known to be poisonous to hedgehogs, which are lovely little beings. I definitely recommend using other methods isntead. It's really a shame that they are still allowed to sell them.


I didn't want to have to use pellets, my mother passed them onto me, i have to be careful where i put them also as i have a tortoise and i know they will be bad for him...
I don't want anymore hedgehog blood on my hands, already lost one to my pond which i have made a little exit slope now so fingers crossed i won't find anymore hedgehoge corpses in my garden! 😢

Ooooooh no, poor hodgepodge! They are very good at getting themselves into places they can't get out of, aren't they?! We've found a couple of long-dead ones on the property (and rescued a couple more) since moving to where we live now in the Peak Park. I've also tried to help two more who didn't make it, and I strongly suspect slug pellets were to blame. They really shouldn't be allowed to sell them, as so many people use them without having any idea they're bad for wildlife. Get crushing those eggshells, @missysheshe86 - slugs don't enjoy walking on them any more than we do! ;o) (Obviously they don't bother me personally, with my footpads, lol)

Thank you for your very helpful advice and i will do just that!
I'll give the beer trap a go too.... do i just pour if around the outside of the greenhouse?...
Neighbours will think i'm a right slosh bucket when they get a face full of beer wind 🤣