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RE: All Natural Homemade Salsa From Our Homestead Garden

in #homesteading7 years ago

@martingardener .............. straight from the KINGS JAMES BIBLE ....... THE ONLY BIBLE TROY BELIEVES TO BE .... TRUE ........... Proverbs 12:17 - [He that] speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.


Yeah, and everyone can see the false witnesses abound here harassing me and my family day and night.

They see the truth by watching your videos. Hence why you have sooooooo many "trolls"

Thats the thing. Anyone can see the truth for themselves.

You spreading lies is pure criminal.

Please show where I spread lies and I'll show you the truth in YOUR video

See comment above.

It all revolves around your lies Trog!
Even your church thinks so.

Oh, now we all know you guys are getting pretty good at editing videos and fabricating evidence.

You guys have some real talent at editing videos and fabricating evidence.

I mean, even the authorities investigate me all the time when you guys turn me in for crimes I did not commit.

Yes, you guys sure are talented at video evidence.

Such a shame it is so wasted on hate and harassment of an innocent family.

Show us the lies and we will show you to the video in which we got our information. Your videos, your comments, your lies.

You say there are no wires going to my solar panels. Lie #1

You guys say my electronics shop is run by an extension cord from the house. Lie #2

The strange thing is that you guys tried to make videos proving you cannot do just that but then in the comments you guys say I am doing it. Crazy.

I could go on but lets start with two points.

You never once showed a wire going from your summer solar panels to your house. You never once showed us a charge controller, inverter, battery, or power distribution/connection point at your house. Correct? You can call those claims a lie, but you hid all of that stuff for a reason. And getting bashed for poor wiring is not one of them. You were NOT using solar this summer. If you were then you should have NO PROBLEM showing your electric bills.

So what about those wires going to my solar panels?

Do you deny they are there?

Because I made a video showing them.

Yet you say there are no wires going to the solar panels.

I would call that a blatant lie.

that was the panels laying in the yard. you eventually set up a proper but inferior solar system in the sheds- never the shack you live in. No wires from the new panel array into the house until recently. Now tell us how you have been 95% off grid in the trailer and shack not outbuildings with no solar at all. You made a big point of several times showing the famous trog reid rechargeable flashlights which any young kid plays with and doesn't count. You said even Ming Ding uses one at night. That appears to be the 95% off grid trailer and shack you spoke of because you didn't have anything else inside powered by solar.

could it possibly be because you are dishonest and deceitful? Yep, that's it

Looking in the mirror I presume.

Your constant harassment and slander of myself and my family is criminal

not harassment, this is social media. Creators and commenters except you understand the negative aspect of posting to the world. We are allowed and encouraged to participate. Thats how these sites make money. Read up on the dangers of exposing your life on social media. Might open your eyes to the legal aspect but if I were you I would go into hock and hire a good attorney to tell me my rights and sue all the supposed offenders.

I do not think that telling absolute lies about me are allowed.

Telling everyone for example that I am a homo and a child rapist and stating it as fact is criminal last time I checked.

Yes, that is criminal. You are correct. So is transporting a felon across state lines who is guilty of a sex related crime. Correct?

You are skating around the question.

Oh you trolls are so good at what you do.

Do you have solid evidence of me being a child rapist?

That was the question.

Because you guys always call me that and state it as fact.

Lets just stick to one point please.

Do you have hardcore, solid evidence that I rape babies?

If not, then you are guilty of criminal slander.

If so, then please show the registry for the World to see and I will leave the internet forever.

No you just drive convicted pedophiles across state lines and then lure in unsuspecting families w/ children for him...
