@thedarkdestroyer................RE:Why do they have so much guns in CAI?
(Date Posted:20/11/2010 11:58 PM)
But basically, CAI people are meant to be able to defend themselves and their worldly goods when one of the above events strikes and all the 'heathens' around them run through life with no other thought than plundering/burning and murdering CAI people for their stockpiles of food and blankets. CAI must stand for, 'Crazy Apocalyptic' Idiots'. Just as was the case with the ill-fated 'Branch Davidians' the CAI has: (1) their own 'Waco-'like 'compounds'; (2) their own cache of firearms; (3) a unique take on Christian 'end times'; (4) sexual misconduct rife among their leaders; and (5) their very own 'David Koresh'-like Messiah figure!
Be afraid, people! Be very afraid!