
Oh no. Yeah that is sad. What would they do? Nibble at you and just yell?? Haha mine are contained in a paddock with themselves and the ducks. I think we’re going to clip their wings today...

no he would come and practically sit in my lap and honk at the top of his lungs until I gave him attention...We got them as babies along with a new clutch of ducks. They were great guardians, especially the female ...the male however could not squeeze under the fence like Juliet and all of the ducks, so they would go to the pasture pond for the day and leave him behind...he would get so mad..pace back and forth and harass me to do something about it...He was just too high maintenance so they were sold to a friend at about 8 months old. Our friend had geese in the past and wanted more. Happy ending! They were African...He would let me hold him like a baby... I could have never eaten him :/

Oh my goodness! That is crazy! Hahahah. I cannot believe he was so cuddly like that. Haha.

we would hold them a lot as babies, as my son was only about 9 and wanted to spend time with them...unfortunately not enough, and they bonded with me ..the feeder :) LOL