
not really actually! we have that potential.. and we have a lot of trees, bananas, coffee, and some fruits,, but not much food production happening these days.. its a complicated story where i live!

Ok...hope it's not issues rated to soil.
I updated a lot on gardening.. Including poultry... Check them out and get some good tips... Starting small is better than not doing at all...😉

oh no not at all.. i dont manage the land around where i live.. the man who does has no labor or help to do anything.. and is getting old and not wanting to to take on any projects right now..

we all do our own little things here. i have a small outside garden with some basics.. but not much right now

Ok great...success

im quite into Biodynamic gardening if you ever heard of that!?

Sure good option and any fish ponds... Updated also on using fish tank and or pon water on gardens...