Product Spotlight Series #11 - Albatross Stainless Steel Double Edged Safety Razor

During my Plastic Free/ Zero Waste challenge week, I began to realize just how much plastic I used - especially when it came to hygiene products. Thank goodness I had the good sense to buy an Albatross Double Edged Safety Razor (with 10 free blades) before beginning the challenge!

The Package Free Shop is quickly becoming a favorite of mine as you can probably tell. I’ve already made a few purchases from the store including the Lunette Menstrual Cup from Product Spotlight Series #8and the Bamboo Toothbrush from Product Spotlight Series #6. While it is not local (based in NY), it is the best resource I’ve found for zero waste and sustainable products.

This reusable razor has to be one of my best purchases to date. Made of stainless steel, this razor can be used again and again and again… which means cutting back on the 2 billion+ disposable plastic razors that are thrown out each year in the U.S. alone! The razors are easily replaceable and the company that designs them, Albatross, even has a Take Back Program! Simply collect your used blades in the envelope they come in when you buy Albatross replacement blades. When you’ve gone through a pack of blades, seal that envelope and insert it into any other envelope at least 3.5” X 5” large (USPS minimum) and send to:

Albatross Designs
PO Box 2254
Berkeley, CA 94702

“They aim to recycle the steel into a potentially higher value product in terms of CO2 mitigation and energy savings than the original blades themselves over the long run. If you use non-Albatross blades, they will accept those blades too.”

For only 20 dollars, you can buy the razor and 10 blades (in a handy hemp bag). Purchasing 10 replacements blades after that costs only $1.50. Think of how much you spend on a bag of plastic razors every few weeks or months. Now eliminate that cost and put that money to much better use!

I’ve used the razor a few times now and I have to say it works even better than the cheap plastic variety. It is much sharper so it requires less pressure and slower movements. I only nicked my ankle once but it left the smoothest shave I’ve ever felt!

Overall, I give the Albatross Double Edged Safety Razor a 5 star rating and EXCELLENT review!

Fundraiser Update
T-shirts sold: 0
4 days to go!

Photography, information, and quote(s) from The Package Free Shop and Albatross Designs.

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Good to know they're still around. Three years ago I was looking for one up and down, almost thinking that they've stopped making reusable steel razors any more. Eventually I found a used one in a pawn shop, for 20 bucks, but without razor blades. So once again I started hitting pharmacies and stores of all types... it was difficult. At last I found some at WalMart: right next to some brand new steel safety razors for just under $20. Oh well! I stocked up on blades, which should last me for the next two decades (beard phases included).

I grew up using one of these kind of razors and then the easy new plastic ones emerged. I've always liked the one metal ones best. I remember the advertising, you can just throw it away, easy peasy.

I keep thinking I should ditch the plastic disposable razors. This post has inspired me to make a move.

I can't find the Albatross razor in the UK, but I have this one on Amazon UK which gets good reviews :

Looks almost exactly the same as mine (except mine isn't that fancy gold lol)! And mine is the butterfly style as well, works well! Glad I could inspire the switch!

Just researching now the most natural shaving soap or cream. I wonder if you can make it yourself somehow?

Definitely! There are a couple recipes floating around but I think a combination of coconut oil and shea butter would probably create a slick/smooth layer that helps the blade glide!

good article

thank for share