In the first picture, you have a good overseer making sure you do it right.The ears gives him away.
It is good to have the kids help when you are constructing things, and they will remember it and mumble mumble years later retell the story on the then-new steemit replacement.
Part of my reason for wanting to homestead is to pass on a family legacy with and for my children. Making memories is very important to our family. Thanks for your reply.
I grew up on a small farm and have terrific memories of it. There seem to be a few homsteaders in your area and it is great to see you helping each other, I remember working bee at neighoubours places where a lot of the men would congregate, do what ever the task was, maybe stay for a beer and go home to milk the cows, the wives would get enough food to feed a city ready for lunch and we would have left overs for a couple of days