The frass is really good for your gardens and will produce better then what the chickens will get out of it. If you want larger production just sift and rotate weekly. I only spend a little over an hour a week on my mealworms that produce over 100k worms a week for my chickens and close to 100 lbs of frass for my garden and to sell. If you use a 1/30th screen for you frass you won't lose the eggs and you can reuse all the smaller wheat bran that gets mistaken for frass in a larger sifter. On a larger scale it will save you a lot of cost on wheat bran. Overall a really good article for beginner mealworms to help people get started. As your system grows and you want to expand I run a mealworm group on facebook geared more toward low maintenance commercial growing of mealworms if you ever want to expand your system to grow a larger amount for chicken farms or even to sell for a small side business.
Thanks! It sounds like you have it well set up. I have been playing with mesh sizes so will take your advice on 1/30.
I would love the link to your FB page. I still have a lot to learn.
We all still learn new stuff every day and that goes for even the largest of the operations. Sometimes we learn stuff from new people that are still trying to figure it out and come up with some great ideas. It is all just to share information so you can take from it what you can and improve your setup however it works best for you.
Thanks. I sent a join request.