Progress at the Camp Cabin is coming along. The boys went out with me last Saturday. We got the rafters in for the ceiling, burnt the new woodstove for the first time to burn off the factory chemicals, insulated and paneled one wall, and sealed and caulked roof and windows. We also got both doors hinged, and got it locked up tight, as well as put on the last of the Tar paper, while racing the heaviest downpour you ever saw! It hit when we had been on the road about a mile toward home! Great day!!!
Sounds like you guys had a very productive day. Luv the front door bell. Nice to have the outside buckled up tight. First fire in the wood stove to burn off the paint smell is always exciting as real fires are just around the corner.
Yes we did! Would have liked to have gotten further along, but grateful that we are that much closer!
Sounds like it is coming along well @littlebitfarm!
Yes, I am so hoping to be completely done by Christmas!
You can do it!
Hope your having fun with the cabin, it looks very nice, I always loved the usa wilderness, when I travelled across America.
I love it too!!!