It's been a long, long time since I read FlyLady's advice, but a few things stuck with me, mostly the philosophy of doing things constantly in small ways to keep the crazy under control. I do actually get dressed down to my shoes every morning - I have shoes that I generally just wear in the house and I do that because my ankles aren't good and it helps my back tremendously. I find that if I don't make sure and get completely ready before breakfast, I feel out-at-the-edges and not quite on top of what's going on for the rest of the day.
While our house is not large, it's big enough to have a few critical zones. The kitchen, the bathroom, the kids' bedroom, our bedroom and the living area. As time is going by, I'm honing my organizational skills so that different zones really can be quite clean in a few moments. Honestly, the minimization of "stuff" is the greatest asset; but second to that is having a method and a reason for why things go where they go.
I also take the advice about cleaning the sink, etc., as a reminder to myself that cleaning can be done constantly in small ways more successfully than in large cleaning projects once in a while. Wiping out the sink constantly to keep it clean every morning keeps the house in better shape than doing a thorough scrub once a week (and for me, this just involves a quick wipe down with hot water and then drying most of the time, not using a lot of chemicals/cleaning projects. Often the sink just needs to be rinsed and dried to look shiny and clean).
Flylady in my mind is really about preparedness and keeping things to bite-sized increments so the housecleaning can actually get done.
Now if only I could get a good handle on keeping the ceiling corners dusted...for some reason I haven't conquered that one.