In Beautiful St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia
We're so blessed to be living in such a mild climate. Our family has lived in other areas of Canada where it would have already snowed by now. Here on the East Coastline we still have nice warm weather, and plenty of growing still happening. The colours of the trees are beginning to change, and a lot of vegetation is decaying, yet the final throes of summer are still with us.
The weather today is the bee's knees. A little overcast outside, but humid and warm.
The sugar peas I planted in late August are doing wonderfully.
A butternut squash growing happily on our front walkway...
The green beans I planted in late August! The have flowers :) YAY!! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get another crop of them out because beans are kind of wusses in the cold, but it looks like we will be eating fresh beans again soon!
Black Eyed Susan's still going fairly strong...more bees too.
Sunflowers starting to look very very dark and creepy, I love it!
Our Flocks
Egg layers in the front of the photo and in the back, in their own enclosure/coop, are the broiler birds. I had been letting the egg layers free range all day lately until I noticed a lot less eggs being I went on a hunt...a literal easter egg hunt (we have easter egger chickens) and lo and behold I find two nests! One in the big greenhouse, and one out in the woods. It's all the pullets doing it, I found teeny tiny green and pink eggs in the nests. So, unfortunately I need to keep them in for a while until these little teenagers (pullets) get used to laying in the nesting boxes with the rest of the hens.
A Chicken Swinger
Grace and her 9 babies which our neighbour will be taking home in a couple weeks.
As you can see I am taking all my photos outside the run haha, they're just too good at escaping when I open the door, so I'm leaving it shut to avoid another easter egg hunt.
Preening on a milk crate :)
Last but certainly not least, the broiler birds that will feed our family all winter...this is a big part of what self-sufficiency in Canada looks like.
Thanks for moseying around the ol' Homestead with me, I'll just be here counting my easter eggs LOL!
Nice place! Your post is inspiring. I've been interested to visit NS. I'm from SW Ontario. We also have gardens, chickens, rabbits, and two hungry little kids (not goats).
Oooh you would love it here so much and the price of land and homes is unbelievably inexpensive here too.
Funny what you said about your kids lolololol!!
It's good that you can still keep growing outside. When do the frosts and snows usually arrive for you?
I've had to move into the greenhouse and polytunnel now to keep crops coming on. Our first frosts will probably be with us in the next 3 or 4 weeks now.
And I just found a couple of days ago a big stash of 15 eggs. Like @farmstead I thought the hens were just winding down for winter, but now I'm on to them 😊
HAHAAHA that part about the eggs made me laugh out loud!! Ooooh those naughty, naughty chickens!!
We actually got a wee bit of frost last night but miraculously everything survived! The temps are warming back up, but we will only have a few more weeks of outdoor growing I figure...c'mon beans, produce!!!
The greenhouses should be fine until mid November....
Those eggs sure do look good. Especially those 3 bigger eggs. I don't know why, but lately I been enjoying my eggs Rock Balboa style.
Does that mean you have been eating them raw? Are you body building or something?
Yes, I put them in a cup and drink it, but not exactly like Rocky Balboa that puts in 5 eggs then drinks it so fast that egg is dripping on his sweatshirt. I can't waste drips of egg like that on my shirt. So I just drink 2 or 3 eggs at a time with no drips of egg on my shirt. I don't know about body building. I have been taking up push ups again. When I was young I used to do one set of 100 push ups at one time. Now days it is more like 20 push ups at one time and I am good. Maybe if I keep working at it I can get to 30 push ups at one time.
Hhahaaa that's funny about not wanting to waste the egg :) I love it, you make me laugh :)
Yay!! Everything looks so great! Love your chicken swing!! I still haven’t found a cache of eggs... I doubt I ever will if they do lay outside the coop! I just figured it’s the lack of light now. Pissy little things.
oOOoooooh Farmstead's gotta go on an Easter Egg hunt!!!! :D :D hahahhahahaha yeah... lil pissers...
And I have 20 acres.........................
This totally reminded me of when I hangout with my friend during high school. We went to his grandfathers farm and there were a lot of chickens and vegetables/fruit.
Nice memories :) I wish more people would be growing their own food!
Knock me up a 4 egg omelette babe, I'll be there for breakfast, ok? 😉
Hahhaa I'm sure we could find you a chair :)
Great post as always, I love your photos :)
Thanks @favcau <3 :)
I love the first flower photo. What a great color. :-) Lovely.
Thank you JamJam, it is called a Cosmo <3 And I have some in the front that are 8 feet tall :)
Good post, re-steemed!!
Thank you @Petal-Power :) :) I appreciate that!
wow thats a lot of chickens !! so cool :) thats awesome.. that butternut squash sure looks super tasty .. I got around to posting my wynwood trip if you get a chance, the artwork is so awesome I think you'll like it!
I'll check it out, thanks Steven.
No problemo :) cool beans !
Wow. That's a amazing homestead. Thanks for sharing. I used to love gathering the eggs in the morning... nice coop btw 👍
Thank you Dave!! Yes my husband is a pretty awesome builder, he's done everything we have around here, all by himself, greenhouses, chicken coop/run, chicken tractor... :) :) I hope you can have some chickens again one day!
Not me. I've discovered chickens are fowl. Lol
they are beautiful :) <3
Little darling angels ...yes...
damn these are interesting shots..
Thanks :)
interesting post,,,,
I like your photo..............
Super looking birds- lovely condition