Today I went to my uncle's salak garden, here I see the process of harvesting the fruits.()
Zalacca fruit that has been harvested is then brought to the house of uncle and then will be marketed out of town ..
Salak fruit is generally not cooked simultaneously. We should not be surprised if in a bunch of fruit bark there are ripe fruit and fruit that is still raw. Therefore, for the process of harvesting this bark must be done very thoroughly, to choose which fruit is worth the harvest. Next pick the salak fruit that has been cooked and let the raw fruit remain in the tree stalk to mature naturally and in the second harvest
The Characteristics of Mature Fruit Salak is, In general, the fruit of salak can be said to be worth the harvest when the condition is very mature perfectly in the tree. Usually the salak will mature and can be harvested within 6 months after the growth period after the flowering process. Snake fruit that has been ripe has a scale that is not too much, the color of the
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