An not be denied again that cemani chicken is one of the most expensive types of ornamental chicken in the world. It could be said that this chicken is his "Lamborghini" chicken. Because the chicken that originated from Indonesia is quite rare and the price for a chick puppy cemani a day old can be appreciated 2.5 million in America. In fact, the price could increase many times if sold on the black market.
Behind its exorbitant prices, this all-black cock holds a myriad of mysteries and wonders unknown to many. Here are some mystery and miracle cemani chicken.
Famous Since the Age of Majapahit
Based on the story of Temanggung city people, cemani chicken originated from Central Java and has existed since the time of Majapahit Kingdom. The first owner of this chicken is a powerful ascetic named Ki Ageng Mangkuhan. However, at that time the cemani chicken had a white beak and was once used to treat a child's disease officials in the area. Finally, the child's illness can be treated
After successfully used to treat the disease, cemani chicken is mated with other chickens that both have a jet black color. From the results of the marriage, the chicken that was born exactly the whole body is black, including the beak is also black. Because of this, the chicken is called cemani chicken, which is taken from Sanskrit and has a meaning of jet black chicken.
Why can the color of cemani be black?
Maybe some people still wonder why cemani chicken is black. This is very different from other types of chickens and even all other types of animals. This is what led to the emergence of various myths and beliefs among the people of Indonesia. In fact, according to the study of black color in cemani chicken resulted from a unique genetic condition called fibromelanosis.
Cemani Increasingly Rare
Currently, the population of chicken cemani greatly decreased dramatically. So, do not be surprised if the price of chicken cemani very expensive. Based on BackyardChickenCoops data, the number of cemani chicken around the world there are only about 3500 tail. This is due to the limited breeding rate and can only be cultivated in Indonesia and some European countries only.
In addition, there are fewer breeders in Indonesia, so the number is decreasing. This is because there is also a presumption cattle breed cemani contrary to religion because it is identical with various rituals.
Why can the color of cemani be black?
Maybe some people still wonder why cemani chicken is black. This is very different from other types of chickens and even all other types of animals. This is what led to the emergence of various myths and beliefs among the people of Indonesia. In fact, according to the study of black color in cemani chicken resulted from a unique genetic condition called fibromelanosis.
White Eggs
The most surprising thing about the chicken is the egg. Cemani chicken eggs have the same color and shape as the eggs in general, which are cream or white bones with pink spots. When the inside looks even the same with chicken eggs in general. A new black wrna appears after a cemani chicken embryo appears
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