Hey, Troy, one more thing. After all of these years claiming the "trolls" were trying to destroy your YouTube channel, I find it funny that it is YOU who is officially destroying your own YouTube channel. I'm shocked at how much your channel has gone to shit in the past year. You blame the bell for lost viewership, but have you looked at your videos lately (if and when you do publish videos...which is rare in the past two months)? No content. No substance. No meat. No homesteading. No tiny house. No off-grid details. Just a ranting and raving lunatic talking to the camera about trolls and opening packages from those few sycophants who have clung to your channel over the years. Your channel is just horrible. Congratulations, Troy. You did the trolls' job for them.
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But Martin he is THE homesteader that spent valuable time building a greenhouse that he never finished out of rotten wood to cover HERBS fertilized with cat shit. What about his summer long project of getting a winter's worth of firewood cut and split and stacked near the shack, wait, nevermind. How about his work getting the shack totally off grid, wait, scratch that. Well he did install the small coal stove to heat with so his house wouldn't burn down from the big Ashely heater, nope, didn't happen. But he did dig a pit so he could build a greenhouse so they could have fresh vegetables year round. Dammit, he only dug a small hole and called it quits. OK, you are right- he does nothing of value on the wasteland.