He is so lucky to have you! I know that goats climb and always just assumed that they were amazingly nimble. I never thought about them getting themselves into predicaments like poor George did.
He is so lucky to have you! I know that goats climb and always just assumed that they were amazingly nimble. I never thought about them getting themselves into predicaments like poor George did.
They are very nimble! They had eaten all the bark off the two trunks, which made it slippery. He put his front feet up on the trunk to reach more bark and slipped between them. He probably broke it trying to get out. Poor little guy.
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I had a three-legged cat and she lived to be over 20 years old. I'm guessing that George will do just fine.
That's pretty old!
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She was a tiny little thing. She had to have her leg removed when she was very young and she never really grew much after that. She looked so frail and fragile that no one expected her to have such a long life. She was a shared cat. She originally lived with my best friend until she adopted two children, one of whom was allergic to cats, so she called and asked if Gretchen could come live with me. Then I retired and started doing a lot of traveling and her children had pretty well outgrown their allergies, and so Gretchen went back and stayed with them while I was traveling and her son fell in love with the cat and didn't want her to leave their house, so she lived there, until the family went thru a divorce and then she came back and lived with me again! She seemed to love all of us, but there was no doubt she loved the boy best and she spent her last 3 years happily with him. Quite a saga!