We see bald eagles on a pretty regular basis on the homestead. Me and the boys got closer to one than ever today. This afternoon we were walking in the woods along the Meramec River and we saw this giant bird fly over head. It circled back and came in really low passing us and landing in a nearby tree.
It was the closest I've come to a bald eagle. And then I saw the nest in the tree where it landed. It was a very big nest. A few seconds after turning off the camera, it flew down to the nest. I didn't see any other eagles around and I didn't want to get any closer and possibly disturb the eagle from the nest so we left.
But earlier in the week I had commented at my parents house nearby that I kept hearing the scream of an eagle. We hear them all the time back on the homestead. And sure enough while out taking my boys for a walk, there it was!
I also got a neat picture of my boys in a tree today.

I love the photo of the boys in the tree! So cool. Good idea to keep moving if the eagle was heading to the nest. Those nests can be absolutely huge.
We have two nesting pairs of eagles on the DNR land near ours. Let's just say when a chicken gets loose and ends up in the middle of our hay field....it doesn't get far. Ospreys, eagles, and hawks... poor little chicken never stood a chance. But it's nice to see such a healthy number of eagles around here. Gorgeous flights.
I thought you're not gona post on YT anymore???
Nice! They nest near the Illinois River and I'll see them driving over the bridge. Sometimes when the river is mostly frozen they will sit on the ice near an opening and wait for a fish.
I like the picture of the boys in the tree...we don't get many trees that get to be that big up here!
Sounds like a nice day! Bald eagles are so amazing, such beautiful, majestic birds. So cool you got a video though. Great pics, especially the one of your handsome little boys in that tree - it's memories like those they'll be appreciating when they're older :)
There is a large sanctuary for Bald Eagles just below Keystone Dam west of Tulsa, so we get to see them some around here. They are amazing birds, and are wonderful to watch in flight!
Were you tempted to board up that tree? LOL